Faccia in the Doom Chatroom

One dark and Stormy night, Faccia Bianco was on the SHOJS wiki cause she Felt like it. She entered the chatroom. She said, "Hows everyone doing?". In chat, It said: "666devilreal666 has joined the chat." Faccia was spooked. Spooky scary skeletons starting dancing across the screen. Hyper-realistic blood leaked from the computer screen as she was sucked into the computer. 666devilreal666 said, "MUHAHA I TRAPPED YOU FOREVER!". Ever Since then, Faccia was forever trapped in the chat room.
666 weeks later, after everyone on the wiki cried hyper realistic blood, 666devilreal666 entered. He said stuff like "LAWLS YOU SUCK" "GO TO NOOBLAND AND DIE >:33333" And They cried even more. 5 months later, 999 was playing happy cow simulator 2015, and he finished level 2 when a box popped up that said "Click to get free stuffs". 999 obeyed, and he was transported into level LLEH, which is scary cause LLEH is HELL backwards. 999 saw FacciaBianco at One of the Places, and she said: "Chat room.... Chat room... chat room... CHAT ROOM!" Suddenly 999 started falling apart until he was no more. Jazz ran to the rescue but a hell hound fell through thhe sky and chewed up the poor feline. Terry Teacups ran to Jazzes corpse but then she played cow sim cause she felt like it. She transformed into tea. One by one everyone died, and it was sad.
But then the closet creaked open...